About the Process

CCCS developed its strategic plan through a year-long, statewide process designed to listen, learn, and engage with the communities it serves. Through in-person and virtual engagements across all 13 colleges, conversations with statewide business partners, and numerous interviews and work sessions, input was gathered from thousands of voices. This collaborative approach ensures that the plan reflects both the opportunities within Colorado’s thriving industries and the pressing need to address inequities in educational attainment and economic mobility.

Process Overview

Phase 1: Spring 2024

  • Conducted 36 listening sessions across campuses, including virtual options.
  • Collected insights from interviews with SBCCOE members, board members, senior leaders, and community stakeholders.
  • Organized feedback into a comprehensive report guided by principles: Economic Mobility, Education For All, Empowered Talent, Partner of Choice, and Power of 13.

Phase 2: Fall 2024

  • Co-created mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies through collaborative sessions with SBCCOE, CCCS leaders, and college presidents.
  • Developed directional measures for tracking progress on goals.
  • Established baseline data and targets for these measures.

Phase 3: 2025

  • Develop action plans at System and college levels to implement strategies.
  • Establish additional success measures for progress tracking and accountability.

At a Glance

Stack of three books


Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members
Graduation cap and diploma


Colleges Included
pencil, paper, and book


Listening Sessions

Download the Plan

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