This strategic plan is the result of the time, expertise, collaboration, and support of many people:
- Students, faculty, staff, community members, and industry and K-12 partners who participated in listening sessions or submitted comments.
- College presidents and teams
- System Office executive, senior staff and teams
- State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education
- Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges
- State Faculty Advisory Council
- State Instructor Advisory Council
- State Student Advisory Council
- Anonymous Donor
- Gary Community Investments
- The Colorado Trust
- Zoma Foundation
- Colorado Succeeds
- Keystone Policy Center
- Charles Dukes, Allison Faeder, Renny Fagan, Trace Faust, Addie Fischer
- Confluence Strategies
- Inta Morris
- Madison Ave. Collective
- Alison Griffin, LLC
- Alison Griffin
- Community college peers
- VY Tech (Indiana)
- Virginia Community College System
- Texas Association of Community Colleges
- Western Interstate Compact on Higher Education National experts
- Dr. Dhanfu Elston, Vice President for Strategy, Complete College America
- Paul Fain, Editor, The Job
- J.B. Holston, Senior Advisor, Greater Washington Partnership
- Shalin Jyotishi, Senior Advisor and Founder, Future of Work & Innovation Economy Initiative, New America
- Rachel Kahn, Deputy Director – Community College Growth Engine, Education Design Lab
- Dr. Martha Kanter, CEO, College Promise and former U.S. Under Secretary of Education, U.S. Department of Education
- Chauncy Lennon, Vice President for Learning and Work, Lumina Foundation
- Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler, Founder and Chief Catalyst, The Equity Project
- Dr. Michelle Van Noy, Director, Education and Employment Research Center at the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Dr. Joel Vargas, Vice President, High School through College, Jobs for the Future
- Dr. Josh Wyner, Executive Director, College Excellence Program, The Aspen Institute