Empowered Talent
Our Goal
Increase our ability to attract, retain, and sustain the highest quality workforce to advance our mission.
What it Means to Us
Faculty and staff are the foundation of our colleges. CCCS is committed to providing a positive work environment, supporting professional development, and securing fair compensation for our motivated, engaged workforce that is committed to student success.By prioritizing our employees and ensuring that every employee’s work is aligned directly to our mission, we not only support the growth and well-being of our team members, we also cultivate a culture of excellence that drives long-term success for our colleges and learners alike.
- Increase employee total compensation
- Enhance recruitment by elevating the ColoradoCommunity College System as an employer of choice.
- Create a culture of belonging built on robust recognition of employee expertise and shared governance to advance our academic endeavors and improve lives through education.
- Expand professional development and leadership training to enhance advancement opportunities and drive success.

Get Involved
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