Angie Gramse: From Community College Student to Executive Leader

Powered by 13 independent colleges, the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) is dedicated to making education affordable, accessible, and transformative for countless learners across the state. Behind this mission stands a team of exceptional leaders, each pivotal in driving the System’s success.  

Among them is Angie Gramse, CCCS’s General Counsel. Today, she leads a team of law and public safety experts that provides guidance for the System Office and its 13 member colleges. But her community college journey began long before she joined CCCS’ executive team. 

Paying it Forward

Angie Gramse

As an undergraduate student, Gramse took math and science courses at the Community College of Aurora prior to transferring to the University of Iowa, where she competed on the women’s gymnastics team. Despite the high-flying memories she made there, she never forgot the care and attention she received at CCA.  

“I’ve remarked on several occasions that I have fonder memories of what I got out of those classes at CCA then I did at Iowa,” she said. “Our instructors really have a passion for the curriculum they teach.” 

Her experience didn’t end with her education. After earning her law degree and passing the bar exam, Gramse returned to CCA—this time, to work in the advising department.  

“It was a neat opportunity to work with students and help them build their schedules,” she said. “I put in a position to help them fulfill their dreams.”  

From there, Gramse decided to combine her two passions and dedicate her career to higher education law. She learned that CCCS directed legal affairs for community colleges and applied for an open associate legal counsel position in 2006, eventually rising to General Counsel in 2018. 

When she looks back on her journey, Gramse is grateful to give back to students like her.  

“There’s always a need for community colleges,” she said. “We are able to meet all our students where they’re at. We open up so many different doors for them.”

There’s always a need for community colleges. We are able to meet all our students where they’re at. We open up so many different doors for them.

Angie GramseGeneral CounselColorado Community College System

Responding to Complex Challenges 

Over her 17 years with CCCS, Gramse has modernized CCCS’s legal affairs team to respond to the ever-evolving higher education landscape. Today, her department not only advises on law and policy but also emergency management and civil rights compliance for the System Office and all 13 colleges.   

“Our team serves as the support cast for the State Board, the chancellor, executive staff, and college administration,” she explained. “We’re here to help them assess a particular situation and make the best decision.” 

Whether it’s conducting legal research, interpreting case law, or tracking trends on specific topics, Gramse’s team plays a critical role in navigating complex situations. She is especially proud of her team’s role in advancing equity—ensuring colleges have kept pace with changing Title IX compliance and writing policy that fosters more inclusive learning environments. She also spearheaded the training and implementation of a Behavioral Intervention Team model that helps colleges flag and prevent issues that may harm students.  

“We’re good at reading between the lines and throwing out reasonable suggestions where we can still meet our end goal but address legal concerns,” she added. “I like to say we’re comfortable with uncomfortable, and we look at every situation on a case-by-case basis.” 

In recent months, her team jumped into action during student demonstrations at the Auraria Campus. Under her leadership, staff are now considering policy and procedure updates to standardize responses to similar events in the future. 

“I can honestly say it’s never dull. No two days are the same,” she shared. “There’s always change, and we’re able to adapt.” 

At the end of the day, we give students real opportunities to reach their dreams. That’s what I love.

Angie GramseGeneral CounselColorado Community College System

Providing ‘Real Opportunities’ 

In a sector where change is constant, Gramse’s dedication ensures that CCCS remains a beacon of opportunity and innovation for learners across Colorado. Her journey from a community college student to a key leader within CCCS is a testament to the transformative power of education and the impact of passionate leadership. 

“At the end of the day, we give students real opportunities to reach their dreams. That’s what I love,” she said.

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