Strategic Plan Annual Progress Reports

The 2015-2025 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board in 2014-2015. For the first three years of the plan, System Staff reported to the Board on progress towards the 18 Key Performance Metrics (KPMs) in the plan. In October 2018 , the Board identified three key priorities for the System and each of the colleges: student success, equity, and concurrent enrollment.

In addition, the Board directed System Staff to revise some KPMs in the strategic plan to align with the new priorities, and to identify leading indicators by which the system office would measure progress towards achieving the revised KPMs.

This AY-22 annual strategic plan report reflects the revised KPMs and leading indicators.

Note: KPMs from the 2015-2025 System Strategic Plan not covered in this report are reported to the Chancellor in December of each year. See Additional Key Performance Metrics tab

The 2021 CCCS Workforce Report provides a disaggregated overview of CCCS’ current employees. The report includes comparisons of the CCCS workforce to market and student data to show similarities and differences in demographics. This report addresses Board Strategic Priority and KPM 2.1 – Implement inclusive hiring practices and employee retention efforts to achieve a workforce that reflects student and community demographics.

Key Performance Metrics (KPMs) from the original 2015-2025 System Strategic Plan, not covered in the 2019 CCCS Annual Strategic Plan Report, are reported to the CCCS Chancellor in December annually.

This report includes Key Performance Metrics (KPMs) 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18 from the original 2015-2025 Strategic Plan.