The Outdoor Education Department Assistant will assist with managing and coordinating all activities for the Outdoor Education, Park Ranger, Physical Education, and Recreation programs at RRCC. This position assists with the tasks related to managing and coordinating all activities for the Outdoor Education, Park Ranger and Physical Education programs. This may include creating and writing permits for classes that operate on federal property, creating risk management plans for classes, preparing paperwork for instructors, managing OUT equipment, conducting maintenance on OUT equipment, helping to check in/out equipment to OUT students & classes, assisting in marketing efforts, and other duties as assigned.
This is a student employee position. This position may work up to 20 hours each week while class is in session and up to 28 hours each week during academic breaks or breaks between terms while an RRCC student, depending on class schedule, need, and budget availability. Student employees are enrolled and contribute to a TIAA-CREF account when enrolled in less than six credits.
Students who qualify for work study employment are encouraged to apply.
This position is open and continuous. Candidates selected will be contacted.