CCCS Excellence Awards Honors Staff Statewide

On Wednesday, April 10, CCCS honored 56 community college professionals during its inaugural Commitment to Excellence Awards Ceremony. This year’s event took place at the historic Governor’s Residence at the Boettcher Mansion.

The event was a great opportunity for colleagues from around the state to celebrate each other and network, all in a beautiful and historic space.

“We are proud to spotlight these amazing and dedicated employees from across our system,” said Dr. Byron McClenney, Chair for the State Board of Community Colleges & Occupational Education. “Hearing each of their stories and passions that motivate them to work in higher education was inspiring. They truly make our system a special and meaningful place to work. “

Watch a recap of the event with a special thank you from Chancellor Garcia


CCCS looks forward to continuing this tradition for years to come, honoring more community college professionals for their dedication and commitment to providing high quality education for all.

Click here to view all photos of the event

“The commitment of these individuals to our community college system is unwavering and impressive. Without dedication of this magnitude, our collective pledge to provide high quality education for all Coloradans would be an unmeetable challenge. We are grateful for their dedication and honor them for their Commitment to Excellence as community college professionals.” – Joe Garcia, Chancellor, Colorado Community College System

View all of the honorees and event program below

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