Elevating Leadership this Women’s History Month (Part 2)

Across the Colorado Community College System, we are proud that eight of our 13 colleges presidents are women, five of whom are women of color. In celebration of Women’s History Month, we wanted to learn more about their leadership journeys and lessons they would pass along to community college students. Be sure to read Part 1 here!


President Dr. Rosana Reyes

College: Lamar Community College

Years with the College: 1 Year

What’s one accomplishment you’re especially proud of?
As a new college president, I’m especially proud that our students know me. This level of engagement has not only strengthened our sense of community, which has been well established with our faculty and staff, but it also continues to help fuel my determination to continually improve and innovate, ensuring that our college remains a beacon of opportunity, transformation, and inspiration for generations to come.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to aspiring leaders?
Embrace your individuality and the experiences that shaped you. Your authenticity will resonate with others. And remember that success in leadership is not solely measured by personal achievements but by the positive difference you make in the lives of others. Stay true to yourself, remain steadfast in your commitment to helping others, and your path to success will unfold before you.

Embrace your individuality and the experiences that shaped you. Your authenticity will resonate with others.



President Dr. Stephanie Fujii

College: Arapahoe Community College

Years with the College: 3 Years

What’s one accomplishment you’re especially proud of?
I am ever so proud of our commitment to navigate, manage, and own the growth and changes necessary for ACC to continue providing innovative and responsive educational opportunities for our students and the communities we serve. Change can be challenging, and I am impressed and inspired with how well the college—as a whole—has chosen to engage, inform, and transform our work to improve our students’ economic and social mobility.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to aspiring leaders?
Never lose sight of your dependence on others. Relationships are everything! One’s ability to effectively lead is influenced and impacted by relationships that are developed and nurtured. It is so important to build rapport with others, listening and learning, expressly for the purpose of getting to know and understand them, their work, and their world.

Never lose sight of your dependence on others. Relationships are everything!



President Dr. Colleen Simpson

College: Front Range Community College

Years with the College: 1.5 Years

What drew you to higher education leadership?
I’ve always been inspired by the sentiment of Nelson Mandela in the quote, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” and I recognize the unparalleled potential of education to effect positive change. Thus, my passion for higher education leadership stems from a genuine aspiration to be instrumental in shaping the lives of students and empowering them to become agents of change in the world.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to aspiring leaders?
Always remember that our institutions are made up of people—without their contributions, we cannot adapt and excel. By supporting students and employees and fostering a culture of growth and transformation, aspiring leaders can pave the way for organizational success and inspire the next generation of leaders to approach leadership with a forward-thinking perspective.

By supporting students and employees and fostering a culture of growth and transformation, aspiring leaders can pave the way for organizational success and inspire the next generation of leaders to approach leadership with a forward-thinking perspective.


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