Foundation for Colorado community colleges

The Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges believes that every student should have an opportunity to get a quality education and that education is the surest pathway to individual success and strong Colorado communities.

We provide over $1 million in scholarships annually to make college possible; invest in key programs and initiatives that meet the workforce needs of the 21st century; and support and strengthen our colleges so that they can offer exceptional higher education opportunities to their students.

Ways to Give

Whatever you choose and whatever the amount, know that your gift makes a difference!

Where Your Dollars Go

Determining areas of greatest need for philanthropic support

Giving Societies

Acknowledging those who give major gifts once, on an annual basis, and/or throughout their lives

Making a Mark

See who is investing in the future of our students, our colleges, and our communities.

Foundation Reports

The Foundation actively seeks contributions from public and private sources to make scholarships available statewide, advance key programmatic initiatives, provide training and support for CCCS college foundations, and develop partnerships to implement state of the art programs that meet the workforce needs of the 21st century.

Read more about recent programs and activities in our annual report.

Report Archive

Support Your Community Today

Most of our students stay in Colorado, becoming the workforce that powers our economy and the heart of our neighborhoods, businesses, and communities. Giving today is an investment in the future of Colorado.

Graduates talking and smiling