BP 19-10 – Bullying/Violence/Firearms on Campus

State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education

BP 19-10

EFFECTIVE: July 12, 1990
REREVISED: December 12, 1996
REPEALED: September 14, 2000
READOPTED: August 25, 2001
REVISED: November 13, 2019

REFERENCES: CRS 18-12-102; CRS 18-9-121; Governor’s Executive Order D0010-96


/ Dr. Byron McClenney /
Dr. Byron McClenney, Chair


The Colorado Community College System (CCCS or System) is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all employees, students, and guests while on System or College owned or leased properties. Any individual engaging in violent behavior, threatening violent behavior, or bullying employees, students, or guests will not be tolerated. It is the policy of CCCS to prohibit such behavior and to appropriately investigate all reported incidents. No individuals may have on their person any unauthorized firearm, ammunition, explosive device, or illegal weapon, as defined in Colorado statute, on any System or College owned or leased properties.


This Policy applies to any and all individuals when on System or College owned or leased properties, even though such persons are not directly affiliated with CCCS. CCCS shall have jurisdiction to address bullying or violent behavior that takes place on campus, at the System office, or at System or College sponsored events. CCCS may also have jurisdiction regarding reports of bullying or violent behavior occurring off-campus or online if the Chief Student Services Officer (CSSO)/designee or Director of Human Resources/designee determine that the behavior affects a substantial System or College interest.


The Chancellor shall promulgate such procedures as may be necessary to implement this policy.