Supporting Rural Colorado Businesses and Individuals
The Workforce Resilience Program’s (WRP) is a statewide program to support rural individuals negatively affected by Covid-19 to recover their career sustainability, profitability, and longevity. These one-time federal dollars are intended to be a flexible and easy-to-access resource for rural Colorado. WRP is administered by the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) and the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT).
Program Mission
Facilitate collaboration among rural employers, stakeholders, and community colleges to enhance workforce skills through business-led training and accessible education, fostering sustainable careers and economic growth in rural Colorado.
For rural businesses, workforce resilience means having the skilled staff they need and the opportunities for employees to evolve and grow. This may involve reskilling and upskilling their current or incoming employees in industry skills, essential skills, or technology to support relevance.
For individuals, workforce resilience means having the skills and training needed to get a good job, advance within an organization, or to pivot to a new field.
WRP launched its grant program in July of 2023. The WRP grant offers two-year funding to rural organizations for the development of training programs to support the skill development of current and new employees.

Workforce Resilience Program Grantees
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Grant Recipient/Project | Location | Amount |
29 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:44 PM | All Points Transit will provide employee training and professional development. | Montrose | $31,995 |
30 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:44 PM | Carpe Construction will provide training for certifications and Spanish in the workplace. | La Junta | $23,740 |
31 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:45 PM | Christian Living Communities will provide training and professional development. | Pueblo West | $29,720 |
32 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:45 PM | Dirt Road Repair will upskill new and existing employees in hybrid and EV maintenance; diesel functions; and industry certifications. |
Akron | $39,000 |
33 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:45 PM | Evans Early Childhood Center will provide training and professional development for employees. | Fort Morgan | $44,128 |
34 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:43 PM | Fitch Ranch will offer employee training to reskill and upskill coal workers for careers in meat processing. | Craig | $48,750 |
35 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:46 PM | Fuel & Iron Food Hall will provide food service trainings in food safety and culinary arts. | Pueblo | $48,740 |
36 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:47 PM | Headwaters Alliance will offer training and professional development to help recruit and retain staff. | Creede | $25,000 |
37 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:48 PM | Integrated Community will train bilingual individuals for interpretation certification. | Steamboat Springs | $48,000 |
38 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:48 PM | Local First will provide training to supports and create more small businesses. | Durango | $48,288 |
39 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:49 PM | Manna Soup Kitchen’s culinary training program will provide financial support to incoming students transitioning into the workforce. |
Durango | $48,750 |
41 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 09/24/2024 03:50 PM | Maslow Academy of Applied Learning will provide employee and group training and support the development of a director-certified apprenticeship program. |
Montrose | $50,000 |
42 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Melissa Memorial Hospital will provide professional development to new and existing staff. | Holyoke | $39,000 |
43 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | One Delta County will develop train-the-trainer programing and Spanish interpretations for their Positive Employee Program. |
Delta | $29,290 |
44 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Otero County will offer professional development across many functions, including conversational Spanish, implicit bias for law enforcement, and Microsoft Office. |
La Junta | $31,225 |
45 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Prowers County Coroner’s Office will provide mental health training and professional development opportunities. | Lamar | $21,000 |
46 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | San Luis Valley Council of Governments will provide financial support for employees to attend conferences and trainings in targeted industries, particularly Geographic Information System (GIS). |
Alamosa | $38,533 |
47 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | San Luis Valley Great Outdoors will train their seasonal trail crew to forge career pathways to full-time state and federal jobs. |
Alamosa | $23,455 |
48 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center will provide training in workforce safety in response to increased violence in health care settings. |
Alamosa | $48,750 |
49 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Silverton San Juan County Ambulance Association Inc. will offer in-person trainings for providers who were unable to complete required education during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Silverton | $23,400 |
50 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Starpoint will provide certification trainings for direct support professionals. | Canon City | $25,777 |
52 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Teachers Learn and Earn will support the graduate level coursework of Eagle County teachers. | Eagle | $49,500 |
53 | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Susan.paulsen | 07/25/2024 02:24 PM | Town of Akron will offer comprehensive technical training for employees across various town departments. | Akron | $39,148 |
Grantee Resources
Funds will be distributed as quarterly reimbursements. Grantees will submit brief activity and budget reports in order to initiate transfer of funds.
- Grantees will be required to
- Collect and submit signed COVID-19 affidavits from the recipients of grant funding
- Submit brief quarterly reports and receipts throughout the life of the grant
- Comply with federal SLFRF reporting requirements
- Submit a Final Report by June 30, 2026
WRP’s program team may perform site visits after awards have been allocated. WRP staff will coordinate with grantees in advance of the visit to schedule a time. Grantees must be willing to comply with this requirement.
Contact the Workforce Resilience Program Team
For questions and regional assistance, please contact your local WRP Coordinator.
Rural Counties
Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit, Carson, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma.
Vanessa Soliz |
Rural Counties
Alamosa, Baca, Bent, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Lake, Las Animas, Otero, Park, Prowers, and Teller.
Courtney Morris |
Rural Counties
Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Jackson, Mesa, Moffat, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, Summit
Southwest regional coverage shared with WRP Director support: Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Mineral, Montezuma, Rio Grande, Saguache, San Juan, Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute tribal areas
Gary Boley |
For general Workforce Resilience Program questions, please send an inquiry to
Funding Information
The Workforce Resilience Program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) from Senate Bill 21-291. These funds are a pass-through of federal funds from the OEDIT Economic Development Commission (EDC) to CCCS and shall be treated as a recoverable grant. Agreement #CTGG1 2023-3233
The agreement is to fund the Workforce Resilience Program at the Colorado Community College System (CCCS). $3,000,000 will be allocated to the CCCS from the Office of Economic Development and International Trade. The funding will be used to fund one-time information technology investments, rural workforce investments, business led training and content development and will result in low or no-cost training for trainees or businesses, pathways to academic credit through stackable credentials, and to bolster workforce development efforts across community colleges in Colorado. The infrastructure established through this funding will also be utilized to support the Skill Advance Colorado (SAC) Program and increased utilization of SAC, particularly in rural Colorado.