Illuminating CCCS’s Impact on Colorado and Beyond

As the state’s largest system of higher education, the Colorado Community College System has a remarkable story to tell — one that couples educational opportunity with a path forward for upward economic mobility for students and transformation for families and their communities.

The Chancellor’s Office of Public & Legislative Affairs helps share the many facets of that story, illuminating the system’s impact on Colorado and beyond.

What We Do

Internally, our team works collaboratively with system office leadership and departments, and college presidents and staff at each of our 13 colleges.

Externally, we engage with state agencies, elected officials, community partners, and many more to effectively advocate and communicate CCCS’s strengths as a state and national leader in providing high-quality, accessible, affordable post-secondary education and workforce training.

Functional Areas & Resource Links

We work hard to represent CCCS’s interests to state leaders and policy makers through comprehensive advocacy and outreach initiatives.

Every year on behalf of CCCS’s 13 colleges, we track and engage with bills introduced by Colorado’s General Assembly during the legislative session.

The following resource links below provide advocate tools for ways to engage and support our colleges, as well as, information for state legislators by college and bills that the system tracks during the legislative session.

We oversee the System Office’s brand and messaging strategies through print, digital and visual campaigns, and build communications to articulate system-wide initiatives across various media.

We serve as the primary point of contact for media and the public, and share information about CCCS and its colleges with state and national news outlets.

Our team designs visually enticing artwork for digital and print media that bring CCCS’s story to life! We are responsible for the System Office’s visual brand identity, website, and digital presence. We also manage CCCS’s social media channels:

View Brand Resources

We work to advance the interests of the System by serving as a resource to Washington-based policymakers, including Colorado’s Congressional delegation and educational associations.

Click the link below for information on U.S. Congressional members by college area.

Each of the links below will provide you with information about elected representatives in Washington, D.C., and how to contact them.

Contact the Office of Public & Legislative Affairs