Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges Celebrates $7 Million in Gifts and Commitments

The Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges is celebrating another successful year thanks to the generosity of donors and partners across the state.

Last year, the Foundation received more than $7 million in gifts and commitments that have supported new programs and provided financial assistance for more than 300 students. Among many accomplishments, the Foundation secured up to $5 million to establish the Reisher Bridge Scholarship Program for transfer students across the Colorado Community College System (CCCS).

“With your support we have advanced our mission and positioned CCCS as both Colorado’s trusted partner of choice for workforce development and the first step toward upward economic mobility,” said J. Adam Cermak, executive director of the Foundation and chief development officer for CCCS. “We continue to offer hope and opportunity to a wide range of students, including ethnic and racial minorities, refugees, veterans, working parents, first generation students, those struggling to overcome situational poverty, and many others who are not well served at traditional four-year institutions.”

With your support we have advanced our mission and positioned CCCS as both Colorado’s trusted partner of choice for workforce development and the first step toward upward economic mobility
J. Adam Cermak, Executive Director of the Foundation and Chief Development Officer for CCCS


Other highlights include the following:

  • Contributions to the Foundation supported a variety of CCCS activities, including funding ten professional positions throughout the system, such as student advisors and navigators who provide holistic support for students.
  • Through their annual scholarship process, the Foundation awarded 304 scholarships to students, totaling $534,572 for the 2023-2024 academic year. Collectively, CCCS and college foundations awarded $1.5 million in scholarships.
  • Additional gifts secured last year are advancing institutional priorities, such as reaching and serving adult learners and skill-builders; awarding credit for prior learning; promoting financial literacy, advising and navigation; expanding the dental hygiene workforce; and piloting a workforce scholars program that will promote career and economic opportunities through workforce pathways.
  • The Foundation partnered with the college foundations on a variety of solicitations, securing over $4.5 million in additional gifts made directly to CCCS colleges.
  • The Foundation celebrated $742,935 in new gifts to endowed funds, including the establishment of a new endowed scholarship fund, that provide long-term stability for CCCS priorities.
  • The Foundation enlisted over 100 volunteer readers in its scholarship process and welcomed five new board members.

Join the Movement to Support Community Colleges

If you share in the Foundation’s mission to uplift Coloradans and build a strong workforce, consider donating to the Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges! Every gift matters, and we are grateful for support across the state. Learn about ways to give.

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